Friday 18 March 2011

Thriller Rough Edit

Editing - Oliver, Jonathan and I decided that we would all edit different sections of our thriller so that we all were involved in the editing. We decided to edit on Jonathan's laptop because he had the 'Sony Vegas' editing software which he was very fond of and knew how to use it because he has used it a few times before. So firstly we had to upload all of our shots which we had filmed onto Jonathan's laptop before we can begin to edit our thriller.

As Jonathan had used the editing software before we all decided that he should do the first part of the editing because he was more familiar with the software. This also allowed Oliver and I to watch what Jonathan was doing so that we also knew how to use the software and Jonathan also explained what he was editing and how he was editing it so that Oliver and I knew exactly what he was doing and how he was doing it. Jonathan and Oliver did the majority of the cross cutting for our thriller because they preferred to do that and I didn't mind as I wanted to edit the titles and credits for our thriller because I had a fantastic idea of how I wanted them to look because I have watched a variety of different thrillers recently for inspiration. As we wanted parts of our thriller in colour and other parts in black & white, we then had to change some of the shots to black & white which Jonathan and I changed.

We also decided as a team to only use straight cuts in our thriller and this is because they are the most common and frequent type of editing technique. They will also keep our thriller flowing so that it looks professional and by using straight cuts it also makes it easier to make our thriller fast paced which is one of the many conventions of thrillers. However for the first draft of our thriller we did not include a lot of credits because we only decided to include the title which meant I did not do a lot of editing for the first draft of our thriller because this meant that I only had to change some parts of our thriller into black & white. We also didn't include any music in our thriller because it was difficult to find a perfect piece of copyright free music which was very suitable for our thriller and we wanted it to be perfect so we decided to spend more time looking for the music. In our thriller we also used a black screen and this was done to show a passage in time but also the connotations of black are generally negative with connotations such as death, which is why we decided to use black.

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